Kenya & Netherlands July 6-23, 2000 Allen & Nancy Chartier | |
Trip Log General Information Day 1 Day 6 Day 11 Day 16 (Netherlands) Day 2  Day 7 Day 12 Day 17 (Netherlands) Day 3 Day 8 Day 13 Day 18 (Netherlands) Day 4 Day 9 Day 14 Day 5 Day 10 Day 15 Species Accounts | |
In 1985, we had to cancel our plans for a trip to Kenya because Allen became unemployed at that time. In 1999, Allen’s unemployment created an opportunity to go to Kenya through an association with Nigel Moorehouse of Sarus Tours (Website: An interesting turn of events. Allen was working on setting up an Arizona tour for Sarus Tours, which ended up being cancelled due to lack of registrations, so Nigel suggested we might want to tag along on a trip to Kenya scheduled for the same time. This was a special trip organized by a group from Minnesota, who mostly all knew each other. Nigel offered to let us join the group, and!
at half the land cost (full price was $2500). We only had to think about it for a minute before saying yes! We arranged our airfare through Will Weber, a friend who runs Journeys International, an adventure travel company. In exchange for the lowest possible airfare, we agreed to transport four tents for him to his operator in Kenya, whom Allen had met over the past Christmas, participating in the Monroe Christmas Bird Count. In order to get the schedule we wanted the fare was $2000, but allowed us nearly three full days to stop over in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Since the Kenya trip was scheduled to end on a Thursday, we figured we would find something to do until the following Sunday, since we didn’t have to get back to work until that Monday following. We arranged an itinerary with Mark Kuiper, who does nature tours in E!
urope and lives near Amsterdam. | |
Day 1, Thursday, July 6, 2000 | |
After an extremely chaotic boarding procedure (reminiscent of Latin America), our 747 took off from Detroit at 7:50 p.m., 35 minutes late. We tried to sleep on the 6 hour, 45 minute flight to Amsterdam, but only really got an hour or so. | |
Day 2, Friday, July 7, 2000 | |
We arrived in Amsterdam on time, early in the morning. It was unusual to see Eurasian Oystercatchers on the grassy areas adjacent to the airport runways. After a layover of a couple hours, we took off at 11:05 a.m. (30 minutes late) for our 8 hour flight to Nairobi. As we flew over the Nile River on the borders of Egypt and Sudan, we could barely see it due to the haze. Ironic, since the spring rains in April and May never materialized and all of East Africa was experiencing a serious drought. We arrived on time at 8:15 p.m. We met Bob Holtz, the trip organizer, and the rest of the group (there were 14 participants altogether) at the baggage claim area. After a slight mixup where we got separated from the group, we took a taxi to the Fair! view Hotel. We met James Makau from Journeys International and gave him the four tents we had brought over for him. We then met Jeff and Anthony, two of our guides. Jeff was from Gibraltar and Anthony was Tanzanian. The hotel restaurant set out a late buffet dinner for us. Then, at around 11 p.m. we got to sleep in real beds in our hotel room. | |
Day 3, Saturday, July 8, 2000 | |
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Day 4, Sunday, July 9, 2000 | |
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Day 5, Monday, July 10, 2000 | |
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Day 6, Tuesday, July 11, 2000 | |
Some pre-breakfast birding on the grounds of the lodge produced a few more birds. We then checked out and began our drive north to the Samburu Game Reserve. But first, Nigel had to stop in the first town to change some money, as the northern provinces would only be able to accept Kenyan Shillings and not !
British Pounds or American Dollars. This process took a very long time, which seemed even longer as we were all cooped up in the warm vans, with dozens of people accosting us to sell us absolutely everything imaginable. Most of us weren’t interested in buying, but they were very persistent, and we ended up having to close the windows and endure even warmer conditions. When they realized they couldn’t sell anything, they began asking for pens (for their school work, a reasonable request, any visitor to Kenya should bring lots of pens to give to the kids), or some were just begging for money outright.
From here it was a long, dusty ride on a dirt road to the town of Isiolo, where there was another checkpoint ! where we had to sit in the vans for about 30 minutes, all the while being the center of attention for every vendor in the town. We had to close the windows again and endure the heat. Then, yet another long, dusty stretch, this time on a dirt road under construction (!) to the final checkpoint at the entrance to the Samburu Game Reserve, again with the persistent vendors and the requisite 20-30 minute wait while paperwork was sorted out. At this last checkpoint, we had raised the roof of our van, designed for game viewing. One of the vendors had his hand inside the top, holding a bracelet, and when we drove off he dropped it inside at Allen’s feet. Allen surprised him by quickly picking it up off the floor and tossing it back to him. He was yelling "give me money" over and over, and didn’t look happy to get the bracelet back.
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Day 7, Wednesday, July 12, 2000 | |
![]() After breakfast we loaded up the vans and headed out to spend most of the day in the game reserve. There were lots of interesting birds here, including some near their southernmost limit in Kenya. There was also a medium-sized Nile Crocodile at one spot with very little water. We had been warned not to walk out onto the dry riverbed, as the crocodiles bury themselves in the dirt and mud to hibernate until rains come, and it is easy to step on one. That would be your last mistake! On a drive along a river, this one with water in it, we saw a total of 16 Elephants! None were particularly close, but they were our first ones, and some even had babies with them. At around 3:00 p.m. we headed out of the reserve and back to the Naro Moru River Lodge, along the sa! me dusty, under construction road we came in on. This time it wasn’t as bad, probably because the wind was from a different direction and the dust wasn’t blowing back into the van. It also seemed that less of the road was under construction. As we climbed higher in elevation, back into the central Kenyan highlands, one of the vans began overheating repeatedly. This van had overheated in the game reserve also. Eventually, it was clear that this van had to be abandoned. Our van had had a flat tire on the way also, but that was easily repaired as each van was carrying two spare tires. So, we doubled-up and took everyone back to Naro Moru in two vans, while the driver tried to figure out a way to get the stranded van fixed, or to get a replacement driven up from Nairobi. We arrived back at the Naro Moru River Lodge after dark and had a rather late dinner. The people from the broken down va! n had to do without their luggage for the night. | |
Day 8, Thursday, July 13, 2000 | |
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Day 9, Friday, July 14, 2000 | |
We had lunch at the "Baboon Rocks" which had a nice overlook of the flamingos on the lake, of which there were undoubtedly at least 75,000. The rocks harbored a number of interesting creatures, including Rock Hyraxes, Agama Lizards, and Mocking Cliff-Chat. Next we drove north a couple of hours to Lake Baringo and birded the Lake Baringo Club grounds and the shore of the lake. There were l! ots of birds around, and we shared the sunset with a few grunting Hippopotamus just offshore. We went back south about 30 minutes to the Lake Bogoria Hotel, which isn’t really very close to Lake Bogoria. | |
Day 10, Saturday, July 15, 2000 | |
There were quite a few interesting birds on the grounds of the Lake Bogoria Hotel before breakfast. After a 7:00 breakfast, we headed back north toward Lake Baringo, but this time to bird an area of cliffs on the west side of the road, west of the lake. This is the prime habitat for Hemprich’s Hornbill, which we saw in a tree next to the road immediately when we pulled up. There were a number of other special birds in this area, and we met a local guide, William, who knew the area quite well, including the roosting !
sites of all the White-faced Scops-Owls in the area. The "dependable" scops-owl wasn’t on its roost due to a Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl roosting nearby with its African Hedghog prey. We did find another pair of scops-owls roosting in another spot in the area, thanks to William and his local "connections." Several of the children that were following us around as we birded here uncovered a small (12") snake they called a "Carpet Viper," most definitely poisonous. After this long, hot walk it was good to get moving in the vans again, this time for a long drive southwest toward Kakamega. We took a longer route to the south, then west, passing through the town of Kapsabet. There weren’t many birds along this drive, but as we got closer to Kakamega it got greener and greener. Obviously, this area wasn’t suffering as much from the drought ! as the rest of Kenya. We spent about an hour birding the road at the southern end of the Kakamega Forest before heading to our hotel. There were lots of butterflies here, and lots of tall forest, which meant that all the birds were up in the treetops! There were lots of interesting birds in this area, including African Broadbills almost right off the bat. We thought this bird would be more difficult, or impossible, to find. Another interesting bird was Great Blue Turaco, which flew across the road, giving us fairly good views. The Black-and-white Casqued Hornbills were large and spectacular too, in addition to being the sixth species of hornbill tallied for the day. We arrived at the Kakamega Golf Hotel just at dark. There isn’t a golf course anywhere around here, so the name of the place is a bit puzzling! | |
Day 11, Sund! ay, July 16, 2000 | |
Birding the hotel grounds before breakfast produced a couple new birds. After breakfast, we headed to the central areas of the Kakamega Forest for a full day of birding there. We met Wilberforce, the local expert on this forest, and the principal promoter of preserving the area. He was an excellent guide and birder. At one point, he asked if anyone wanted to see a snake. Most of the group said yes, and Nancy and I enthusiastically said yes. We didn’t know what to expect when Wilberforce took a couple steps forward and pointed about 10 feet up into a shrub next to the narrow dirt road we were walking on. He said "Rhinoceros Viper," and sure enough there was a large, possibly 7-8 foot, snake coiled up in the shrub. This is a species that is camouflaged for ! waiting in leaf litter on the ground, and can be easily stepped on. We didn’t think it was possible for one to drop down from the trees! Wilberforce said that they go up into the trees after they’ve had a meal in order to digest it in peace.
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Day 12, Monday, July 17, 2000 | |
This morning we had the earliest breakfast yet, at 6:45, so there wasn’t any pre-breakfast birding. Instead, we headed right out after breakfast for the northern areas of the Kakamega Forest, where the trees were taller and the forest largely in a virgin state, for some final birding there. We did see a few new species, but some specialties that the guides hoped would be around didn’t show (such as the Mackinnon’s Fiscal and the Blue-headed Bee-eater). It was much quieter than yesterday.
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Day 13, Tuesday, July 18, 2000 | |
After a 7:00 breakfast, we departed on what was essentially a travel day to get to the Masai Mara Game Reserve. For about the first 1/3 of the way the road was well paved, but suddenly the road turned bad. It would have been better if it was dirt, but it was pavement with huge holes and ruts in it. A large truck in front of us hit some holes and rocked to one side with the wheels on the other side coming off the ground. When it rocked back, the wheels on the other side left the ground. We backed off a little! Just as we were about to turn off onto dirt for the last 70 kilometers or so into the reserve, we had to stop at a service station in a small town because one of the vans had!
a bad (clogged) filter in the fuel pump. Since it was lunchtime, and there was no way we would get to our hotel in time for lunch, we decided to eat lunch there. We overwhelmed them a bit, with 20 of us suddenly all wanting chicken, spaghetti, ham sandwiches, etc. Once underway, we got to the turnoff a few kilometers down the road near the town of Sotik, only to find it blocked. A local group of people was demanding money to travel the road! Our drivers and guides argued a bit, but we ended up backtracking a short distance to another dirt road into the reserve, this route of course was longer! The road in was very rough in spots, and we ended up getting slightly lost. While we were in the process of getting "unlost," we got a flat tire. We all had to pile out, get the luggage out of the back, push the van down to a level spot, and help rock it sidewa! ys so our driver, Paul, could get the jack under it. Luckily, no Lions, Hyaenas, Leopards, or Cobras found us while we were out of the vehicle!
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Day 14, Wednesday, July 19, 2000 | |
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Day 15, Thursday, July 20, 2000 | |
![]() After lunch at a small town at a crossroad near the main north-south highway north of Nairobi, we made our way to Lake Naivasha to the grounds of a small lodge where we had a! ccess to the lake. There were a number of waterbirds present, but some of the ones we hoped to find, including Long-toed Lapwing and Saddle-billed Stork, were not to be found. Nigel had arranged two rooms with lots of towels where the men and women could shower separately, and we could rearrange our luggage for the flights home. Heading back south toward Nairobi, near dusk, we stopped at a small pond near Limuru, a suburb of Nairobi. Nigel had told us that in more than 20 trips he had never missed White-backed Duck or Maccoa Duck at this pond. Unfortunately, he shouldn’t have jinxed it like that, as the drought had reduced the pond to less than 25% of its normal size. Needless to say, this was the first time he (and we) missed these species. Arriving in Nairobi after dark, we stopped at a very nice hotel near the airport ! so we could have our farewell dinner. We got to the Nairobi airport in plenty of time, and our flight departed about 45 minutes late, at around 11:00 p.m. | |
Day 16, Friday, July 21, 2000 | |
![]() Our destinations today were two reserves in the Flevopolder. A polder is an area of reclaimed land, and this area was almost like a large island east of Amsterdam. The first reserve, the Lepelaar-plassen Reserve near Almere-Stad, was named after the Eurasian Spoonbills which were relatively easy to see here. We walked a bit through marsh and woodland, finding a few interesting birds, a couple of ! frogs, and quite a few plants in bloom, some of which were quite familiar and probably similar to plants at home in Michigan. There was also a nice blind where we could overlook a small lake. The next reserve, the Oostvarders-plassen Reserve, near Lelystad, was larger and had more areas to walk, including a very nice blind. We saw both Tarpan and Aurochs, which have been back-crossed to near pure strains, and are being reintroduced here. Mark dropped us back at the hotel around dinner time, but being well north of the equator it was still light, another reminder that we weren’t in Kenya anymore! None of the nearby restaurants had chicken on the menu, the Chinese place was all seafood, and the Indian restaurant looked too expensive. The Argentinian restaurant looked like the best bet, but when we went inside they asked if we had a reservation. Without one it would be a one-hour wait, so we ! went into a small burger joint we had passed on the way. Not much, but at least it was dinner. | |
Day 17, Saturday, July 22, 2000 | |
Mark met us at the hotel at 6:30. The staff had kindly set out a breakfast for us, since we wouldn’t be around when the dining room opened at 8:30. We drove a couple of hours north to Den Oever, where there was a long (20 km) causeway across the former Zuider Zee, to the town of Zurich. We were now in the region known as Friesland, and Mark said the language here was significantly different from the rest of The Netherlands. We passed through Harlingen (pronounced differently from the Texas town of the same name) and Leeuwarden on our way to Ferwerd where there had been a Cinereous (Eurasian Black) Vulture reported for !
the previous week or so. We looked for over an hour, but never saw the bird. We continued northeast to the Lauwersmeer Reserve, where we planned to spend most of the day birding. This is a rather large reserve, situated on both sides of a river estuary, and containing lots of marsh, mudflat, and some forested areas. There had been two Pectoral Sandpipers reported here, and we managed to find them among other shorebirds that were more interesting to us, but not to the several Dutch birders that were excitedly looking at the Pectorals. We were much more interested in the many Ruffs, Curlew Sandpipers, Black-tailed Godwits, Spotted Redshanks, and the Black-winged Stilts which are rare in northern Europe.
At our lunch stop, Mark called the birding hotline and found out that the Cinereous Vulture had moved about 20 kilometers to the west of where we were looking, and had been seen this morning. So, we headed back west to a small town north of St. Annaparochie. We didn’t find the bird here either, but it was a wonder! ful coastal area with thousands of Common Shelducks, Northern Lapwings, Black-tailed Godwits, and Pied Avocets, with a few other species mixed in as well. From here we found a place to have dinner (they had chicken!), then drove back to the hotel, arriving around 10:30 p.m. | |
Day 18, Sunday, July 23, 2000 | |
![]() Mark drove us to the airport, arriving at about 4:00 p.m. for our 6:15 flight. The flight was about ½ hour late taking off, but we still arrived in Detroit right on time at about 8:30 p.m. |