June 25 - July 5, 1999 |

Allen & Nancy Chartier
Trip Log
Day 1
Day 6
Day 2
Day 7
Day 3
Day 8
Day 4
Day 9
Day 5 Day
Day 11
Species Lists |
This trip was offered by Field Guides, Inc. and was led by
Mitch Lysinger, whom we had birded with in 1996 so we were expecting a
fun, and excellent trip. We weren't disappointed, and the tameness of
most of the birds, and their abundance, offset the low number of species
seen on the trip. |
Day 1, Friday, June 25, 1999 |
We rose at 4 a.m. to get to the airport to catch our
American Airlines flight departing from Detroit at 7 a.m. We left pretty
much on time, joking that there would be orange barrels and a "left
lane closed ahead" sign on the runway. It'll be good to get away
from the Michigan road construction for a while.
We arrived in Miami around 10 a.m. and checked to see if any car
rental companies had cars available. Globetrotters had an Oldsmobile
Bonneville (a truly poorly designed car, in our opinion) for $32, so we
took it and after a delay, due to the attendant not leaving us the key
then driving back to the airport for another pick-up, we headed out for
the Tamiami Trail. We ran into some construction on the way, but we
eventually made our way out of Miami into wilder areas. There were
surprisingly few birds, and when we reached Shark Valley it started to
rain quite hard. We continued on to the Big Cypress Reserve Visitors
Center then headed back to Miami.
We turned in the rental car and took the shuttle to the airport where
we checked in at 2:45 p.m. for our 4:45 p.m. flight on Saeta Airlines to
Guayaquil, Ecuador, which was now delayed to 5:15 p.m. We pushed back at
5:45 and were airborne at 6:00 p.m. Other than a little turbulence, it
was an uneventful flight, with the expected everyone-is-first-class
service from Saeta.
We landed at 9:00 p.m. local time (10 p.m. at home) and cleared
immigration and customs fairly quickly. Prior to boarding in Miami, a
few of our group made our acquaintance, including Dee Bates with whom we
had gone to Rancho del Cielo, Mexico, way back in 1983. We met Mitch,
went by taxi to the Grand Hotel (where we had our farewell lunch with
Paul Greenfield in 1996), and settled in for the night around 10:30 p.m. |
Day 2, Saturday, June 26, 1999 |
We were up by 6:00 a.m. for a little pre-breakfast birding
around the hotel. We found a small park, Parque Seminario, nearby that
had a few interesting birds. After breakfast the whole group went back
to the park for more birding. We saw Green Iguanas all over the place,
Guayaquil Squirrels and a smaller squirrel, and in-your-face
Groove-billed Anis, as well as a very cooperative Pacific (Pale-legged)
11:15 a.m. we packed up and got to the airport for our flight to the
Galapagos. After a flight of a little more than an hour, we met our
guide, Fabricio, at the Baltra airport and got transferred to our home
for the next eight days, the catamaran yacht, Freedom.
cruised to nearby Black Turtle Cove, Santa Cruz I., while we got an
orientation talk about keeping the deck clean, where meals would be
served, how to do wet and dry landings, and Zodiac rides. We had our
first experience in a Zodiac, with a bouncy ride around the cove, where
we saw our first sea life and our first birding. Our guide called them dinghies,
but they are more properly called Zodiacs, or baloney-boats! The cove
had Galapagos Herons and Blue-footed Boobies, as well as an interesting
assortment of sea life, including Green Sea Turtle, Galapagos Shark, and
Eagle Ray. We returned to the Freedom, had dinner, did our checklists,
and turned in by 8:00 p.m. During the evening we cruised to our next
destination, Rabida Island a couple of hours away.
Day 3, Sunday, June 27, 1999 |
were up at 6:00 a.m. for a 6:30 departure to Rabida, with a wet landing.
This meant that the Zodiac pulled up as close to the beach as possible,
and everyone jumped out into the usually knee-deep water and walked up
onto the beach.
took a trail across an isthmus through the scrub. We found a few
Darwin's Finches and a Galapagos Mockingbird, as well as a number of sea
birds. A pair of Galapagos Doves were extremely cooperative. We returned
to the boat for breakfast, then went out for a Zodiac ride along the
coastline where we saw Marine Iguanas and two species of sea lion. Some
of our group went snorkeling; we went birding.
lunch we headed for Santiago (James) Island. The pelagic birding along
the way was pretty good. We took an afternoon expedition onto the island
at Puerto Egas (another wet landing), along the coastal tide pools where
we saw tons of Sally Lightfoot Crabs and more Marine Iguanas. The short
trail inland yielded Galapagos Flycatcher and a Galapagos Hawk at a
We returned to the boat and headed west for our next destination, the
channel between Fernandina and Isabela Islands. It was quite a distance
away, and we traveled most of the night. Fabricio suggested we might
encounter Swallow-tailed Gulls at sea after 10:00 p.m., but we had no
luck then, nor at midnight. |
Day 4, Monday, June 28, 1999 |
were up before 6:00 a.m. for seabirds, and a 6:20 breakfast. We went
ashore at Punta Espinosa on Fernandina Island. It was a dry landing, but
the lava was very slippery and sharp, making it quite treacherous.
Counter to our first impressions, we think we're preferring wet
landings! We saw more Marine Iguanas her than elsewhere, and a Galapagos
Hawk that was very cooperative. Also, there were several Flightless
Cormorants and a few Galapagos Penguins in the water. Allen sat down on
a blunt piece of projecting lava to get better photos, and immediately
punched a hole in his pants! The lava was really sharp! A plan to cruise
in Zodiacs near Fernandina Island was abandoned because it was too rough
to be safe, so we went across the channel to Isabela Island instead.
South of Tagus Cove we took a Zodiac ride looking for penguins on shore.
We only saw some in the water. A little farther south, at Black Beach,
we went ashore in an area that had four species of mangroves, and found
the extremely rare Mangrove Finch (only 35 pairs). One was quite tame
and easy to photograph.
lunch, the captain (Chino) spotted some penguins on shore so we did a
very effective "abandon ship" drill, getting into the Zodiacs
in record time! We cruised the rocky shore of Isabela Island and had
excellent views of a small group of Galapagos Penguins. We continued
south along the west coast of Isabela Island, making a brief stop at
Urvina Bay where we had a rather rough (and thoroughly soaking) wet
landing. Maybe dry landings are better after all! This was our stop to
see Galapagos Land Iguanas and possibly a Giant Tortoise. We had
excellent looks at several iguanas, which were of the largest subspecies
in the islands, and saw signs of tortoise where they had slept the night
before. Unfortunately, the thick scrub prevented us from tracking it
down. There were more finches here (mostly Medium Ground-Finches) than
anywhere else so far.
returned to the boat and continued south, rounding the southwestern end
of Isabela Island during the night. The rough seas of earlier got worse
as we entered deep water, and it was a long, queasy night for several of
Day 5, Tuesday, June 29, 1999 |
were up around 6:15 for a 7 a.m. breakfast. During the early morning
hours we had arrived at Puerto Villamil on the south side of Isabela
Island. It was fairly bouncy all night, but not as much as during
dinner. We're getting pretty tired of listening to the constant, loud
generator noise right outside our room. At the mouth of the harbor,
there was an overturned cargo ship. We thought it must have been there a
while, but it turned out it happened the night before. There were
oranges, tomatoes, lettuce, and, unfortunately, globs of oil floating in
the harbor.
We went ashore at 8 a.m. to catch a bus to the highlands, where we
also got on horseback. This was Allen's first time on horseback, and it
had been quite a while for Nancy. It wasn't a very good experience, as
birding was impossible and our horses were difficult (more difficult
than the other peoples' horses, though if they had told us the horses
names like they did for the others we might have done better). Allen's
horse seemed particularly obsessed with crashing through trees and
shrubs, and it even fell once on the slippery, muddy trail. All in all,
we could have walked up faster, and birded the whole way too.
Once we got off the horses and began birding, it got mistier, but it
didn't affect the bird activity. Our primary objective in the shrubby
grasslands in the highlands was to find Galapagos Rail, which we missed,
but we did find Woodpecker Finch, Large Tree-Finch, and Small
Tree-Finch. The zodiac ride back to the boat was through some
substantial breakers, so we got soaked again.
We had lunch, then went back ashore to the Darwin Research Center and
a saltwater cove for birding and looking for tide pool life. We returned
to the boat and set out for our next destination. The waves made it
rough again, and of course during dinner was the worst. This time, four
of the group didn't finish dinner, which included the two of us. Once in
bed, things seemed to stabilize somewhat, and we didn't get seasick.
Apparently some others weren't so fortunate. |
Day 6, Wednesday, June 30, 1999 |
were up at 6 a.m. once again for a dry landing (this time with a dock
too!) on Floreana Island. We met our bus, which was late. It was the
only bus on the island, and was a rather rickety vehicle more like a
pickup truck with a wooden shed and bench seats crudely attached to the
bed. We got aboard and rode up into the highlands. We succeeded in
finding the Medium Tree-Finch, which is found only on this island. We
returned to the town and some people bought post cards to drop off at
our next destination on the island, Post Office Bay. We took a zodiac
ashore, looking for penguins along the way.
we anchored at Devil's Crown, a barren rock which was good for
snorkeling. Some went snorkeling, while we watched the seabirds
including lots of Red-billed Tropicbirds. Then we went to nearby
Champion Island, which is the only place where the Charles Mockingbird
can be found (it is difficult, and much less numerous on nearby Gardner
Island). Unfortunately, there are only 56 Charles Mockingbirds left, so
to protect them landing on Champion Island is prohibited. We did,
however, use the zodiacs to motor up to the shore to try and see them.
This is all we needed to do, because the mockingbirds are naturally
curious and four of them came bounding out of the scrub to the shoreline
to greet us.
Our next destination was Enderby Island, which we sailed past to view
the large nesting colony of Great Frigatebirds. There were lots of Nazca
Boobies too, and quite a few more Red-billed Tropicbirds. We then struck
out for Espanola Island. Of course it was rough during dinner again, and
the ranks were even thinner than last night. Both of us were OK this
time, luckily. We arrived at Espanola around midnight, after which true
sleep was possible. |
Day 7, Thursday, July 1, 1999 |
this island was a popular destination, our guide got us up at 5 a.m. in
order to depart for Punta Suarez by 6 a.m. After a dry landing we walked
a trail through many Blue-footed Booby nests and eventually to dozens of
Waved Albatross nests. On the way we passed many Swallow-tailed Gulls
and Nazca Boobies, while the scrub had lots of the restricted-range
Large Cactus-Finch and the more common Warbler-Finch. This was
definitely the wildest island we visited. We returned to the boat and
headed for San Cristobal Island, a 5-hour sail away, but with very few
seabirds along the route.
At Isla Lobos, a small islet offshore of San Cristobal, some went
snorkeling with the sea-lions, while a couple of us went in the zodiac
with Mitch. Then we went ashore to see a nesting colony of Great
Frigatebirds up close, followed by a quick sail over Ochoa Beach to try
to see the difficult-to-find San Cristobal Mockingbird. We didn't
succeed with the mockingbird, as they apparently move up into the wetter
highlands from May to November. We'll be trying to find them in the
highlands tomorrow. We anchored offshore of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San
Cristobal's main town, for the night, and had a good nights rest for a
Day 8, Friday, July 2, 1999 |
We were up at 6 for a 6:30
breakfast and a 7:30 departure for the town. We caught a bus (a real one
this time) to the highlands to Lago de Junco. It was a very scenic area
with good forest and lots of birds. The lake (Lago is Spanish for lake)
is an old volcanic crater filled with fresh water. On the way up to the
crater, we stopped at an old cemetery were we found the elusive San
Cristobal Mockingbird as well as the Vegetarian Finch which we hadn't
found until now. After the cemetery, we saw a few more mockingbirds on
the utility wires on the way up to the lake.
We returned to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, where we did a little
shopping, then returned to the boat. We sailed for about 3 1/2 hours to
Santa Fe Island, which has an endemic land iguana, but we couldn't land
because it wasn't part of our registered itinerary. A few people went
snorkeling, then we headed for Santa Cruz Island. We docked in the
harbor of Puerto Ayora, the largest town in Galapagos, for the night.
Day 9, Saturday, July 3, 1999 |
were up at 6:30 for a 7 a.m. breakfast and a departure for for Puerto
Ayora where we caught a bus (another real one) for the highlands. Our
target birds were Southern (Galapagos) Martin and Galapagos Rail. We stopped
at several areas on the way up into the highlands, and got good looks at
Vegetarian Finch and Woodpecker Finch. We went to Bellavista then to the
northeast where we walked some roads, then to the northwest through
Santa Rosa. We got a report that Galapagos Rails were seen that morning
on the soccer field in Bellavista! After what we learned later, it seems
unlikely that Galapagos Rail is the species involved. Just before lunch
we stopped at a small restaurant where some noisy tourists were having
lunch. The owner indicated that Galapagos Rails come out and steals food
from her dog's food dish! Soon after, we glimpsed a rail dashing into
the taller grass, only seeing it for a second or two. We went to another
larger restaurant for lunch, where Fabricio had staked out a Barn Owl
nest, but unfortunately the nestlings had died since his last visit, and
the adult owls had abandoned their nest.
returned to Puerto Ayora and went to the Charles Darwin Research
Station, where they were breeding lots of Galapagos Tortoises (PHOTO).
While some of the group stayed in town for shopping, four of us went
with Mitch back to that small restaurant in the hopes of getting a
better view of the rail. The cab ride was exciting (very fast), and it
was appropriate that the driver had a "No Fear" decal on his
windshield. We got there just as she was closing, and we talked her into
staying a little while, and we made the extra effort and all had a beer
while we waited. When the bird appeared, it turned out to be a
Paint-billed Crake! We had an interesting story to tell those that went
shopping. It seems that the Galapagos Rail is shier, and might prefer
more natural areas. Undoubtedly, the ones on the soccer field are
Paint-billed Crakes.
We returned to the boat at 6 p.m. and set sail in the evening for
Baltra, where we had begun the trip. |
Day 10, Sunday, July
4, 1999 |
Day 10, Sunday, July 4, 1999 After a 7 a.m. breakfast we
went ashore to catch our flight back to Quito via Guayaquil. Everything
went smoothly, and we had a little time in the afternoon to bird the
grounds of the Hotel Quito (12 species seen). We had a farewell dinner
in the nice restaurant on the top floor. |
Day 11, Monday, July
5, 1999 |
Our alarm was still set on Galapagos time, so we were
surprised to get a call from Mitch at 6 a.m. (the clock read 5 a.m.)
saying we were leaving right away since there were rumors of a
transportation strike, which could block all the roads and prevent us
from getting to the airport in time for our flight. We got to the
airport at 6:30 and waited for the Saeta counter to open at 7:00. Our
flight left early, at 8:55 a.m. after three security checks, x-ray, then
a hand search of hand luggage at the gate, then we were lined up outside
on the tarmac so the dog could sniff all our carry-on luggage. At
Guayaquil we had to get off the plane (we didn't on previous trips
through Guayaquil) and they had a dog at the base of the stairs. We
wondered why the security was so much tighter. Our flight took off from
Guayaquil and arrived in Miami at 3:45 p.m. They had removed the easy
check-in near customs for American Airlines, so we hauled everything
about 1/2 mile to the counter, then back to the gate for our 7:10 p.m.
flight home (an earlier flight wasn't possible to be booked since we got
to the counter at 4:55 after a long wait for our luggage). We arrived
home in Detroit on-time at about 9:30 p.m. |