In-hand photos of Catharus thrushes

Hermit Thrush (10 photos of 4 individuals)

Gray-cheeked Thrush (9 photos of 3 individuals)

Swainson's Thrush (6 photos of 2 individuals)

Gray-cheeked and Swainson's Thrush (3 photos of 2 individuals)

Veery (14 photos of 4 individuals)

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 1). October 2002 - Ontario.

Hermit Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 2). October 2002 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 1). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 2). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 3). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 4). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 5). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 1). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 2). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 3). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 4). October 2003 - Ontario.
Hermit Thrush #4, hatch-year (Photo 1). December 2004 - Michigan.

Gray-cheeked Thrush

Gray-cheeked Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 1). September 2002 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 2). September 2002 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 1). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 2). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 3). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 4). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 5). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 1). September 2003 - Ontario.
Gray-cheeked Thrush #3, hatch-year (Photo 2). September 2003 - Ontario.

Swainson's Thrush

Swainson's Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 1). September 2004 - Michigan.
Swainson's Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 2). September 2004 - Michigan.
Swainson's Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 3). September 2004 - Michigan.
Swainson's Thrush #1, hatch-year (Photo 4). September 2004 - Michigan.
Swainson's Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 1). August 2003 - Ontario.
Swainson's Thrush #2, hatch-year (Photo 2). August 2003 - Ontario.

Swainson's & Gray-cheeked Thrushes

Hatch-year Gray-cheeked (left) & hatch-year Swainson's Thrush (Photo 1). October 2004 - Michigan.
Hatch-year Gray-cheeked (left) & hatch-year Swainson's Thrush (Photo 2). October 2004 - Michigan.
Hatch-year Gray-cheeked (right) & hatch-year Swainson's Thrush (Photo 3). October 2004 - Michigan.


Veery #1, adult (Photo 1). August 2004 - Michigan.
Veery #1, adult (Photo 2). August 2004 - Michigan.
Veery #1, adult (Photo 3). August 2004 - Michigan.
Veery #2, hatch-year (Photo 1). August 2003 - Ontario.
Veery #2, hatch-year (Photo 2). August 2003 - Ontario.
Veery #2, hatch-year (Photo 3). August 2003 - Ontario.
Veery #3, hatch-year (Photo 1). September 2003 - Ontario.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 1). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown. This photo is slightly overexposed, and the bird never looked this bright to the eye.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 2). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 3). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 4). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 5). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 6). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
Veery #4, hatch-year (Photo 7). 24 September 2007 - Michigan. Unusually small and brown.
This individual was odd enough to prompt detailed data collection of the primaries, as follows:

Wing chord: 88.7mm (short); p6 not emarginated; p10<pCovs by 2.9mm; p9>p6; p9<p7; p8-p6=6.4mm; p8-p1=23.4mm.